Set of 12 DVDs
Upanishadic wisdom has a timeless appeal since it deals with the basic aspirations of the human being – the desire to exist, the desire to know, and the desire to be happy. Upanishads deal with the nature of the Subject, the common substratum of all objective enquiries, and go to the basic question: Who am I?
Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda has conceptualized an entire Television serial titled Upanishad Ganga to bring these concepts in the form of stories.
Concept Note:
The Vedic Culture is introduced in the initial episodes (1-4). Then Cultural Values at the levels of the individual and the society are presented in the following 18 episodes (5-22). After thus establishing the cultural basis and ethos, the entire Upanishadic Wisdom is then presented in the next 20 episodes (23-42). The Practical Steps that could be taken to actualize this wisdom in one’s life are then elaborated in the next nine episodes (43-51). The last episode is an Expression of Gratitude for this Wisdom which has made India proud, noble, and admired the world over.