Welcome! This is a family program. Adults who are sevaks/attend adult classes should also register and pay dues as members.
Registration for Aug 2024-May 2025 session is now closed. You can email the registration team if you were part of Bala Vihar before.
It had opened for existing families from April 17th and June 15th for NEW Families .
All grades in Session 1 & 2 are full. There us space only in session 3 (2-3:30pm).
Please check the ‘Current Registration Availability’ in the tabs below if you have multiple kids to decide where you can register your kids. There are 2 options if class is full for the session:
- Option 1) Enroll in the session available and pay. Then you may request a session change by clicking below. Be open to taking what is available as there is no guarantee of change possible. It is more difficult if there are multiple kids.
- Option 2) Signup to be on the waitlist for a particular session. This option is available during registration. You will be contacted if a spot open up to join the class.
Before you register: check out the curriculum by grade, location, fees, calendar, session timings etc in the Bala Vihar section.
Our focus is Bala Vihar program (not language learning). The language classes are optional and offered only to registered Bala Vihar students.
New Family? Need an account?
Click here to create an account for your family. If you are a CMA family, please do not create a new account.
Already have an account?
If you already have an account with us, click here to confirm your membership for next year, update your registration details, register additional children, or make payments.
Current available spots in each of the grades by session for the Cumming Location (Updated 1 PM EDT daily )
Grade | Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 |
Shishu | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Pre Kindergarten | 1 | 0 | 6 |
Kindergarten (KG) | 0 | 0 | 4 |
First | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Second | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Third | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Fourth | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Fifth | 0 | 0 | 9 |
Sixth | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Ninth | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Tenth | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Eleventh (Junior) | -1 | 0 | 0 |
Twelfth (Senior) | -1 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 7 | 1 | 43 |
* If The class doesn’t show up on this list , it means that that class is full for all sessions
Chinmaya Gurukul is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization and is run entirely by volunteers. All the fees are used for operational costs of conducting the Bala Vihar classes for kids, Yagnas/Camps/Study groups for parents and for carrying out Chinmaya Mission activities throughout the year.
Registration period for existing families is April 15-Aug 15th for Aug 2024-May 2025 session.
Registration period for NEW families is June 10-Sep 30th for Aug 2024-May 2025 session. If space is available, we will take new students in Jan 2025.
Fee Information:
Adults Only: Family with no kids in Bala Vihar/ Shishu Vihar | $200 for the year: Aug-May This is CMA membership fee so that you can participate in our Chinmaya Mission yagnas, events and volunteering for them as well as at Bala Vihar. $100 – If registering in January for Jan-May. |
Family with kids in our Bala Vihar/Shishu Vihar class. This fee is due for each child annually. This fee includes the cost of Bala Vihar books (and language class books if enrolled) for the kids. | $385 for family with 1 kid for the year: Aug-May $570 for family with 2 or more kids. $75 – Additional if child is enrolling for a language class which is offered to all BV kids. If registering in January for Jan-May: $200 for family with 1 kid and $300 for family with 2 or more kids. Registration fee applies. Language classes registration is not accepted for Jan, registration. |
Registration Fee: | A $50 registration fee is charged for all NEW student registrations A $50 late fee applies to all EXISTING students confirming after July 15th. A $100 late fee applies to all EXISTING students confirming after Aug 20th. |
Note: A substantial portion of the fees is Tax deductible as a charitable contribution. We will send you a combined donation receipt for all your contributions each calendar year.
What is membership fee? Our Bala Vihar, is an integral part of Chinmaya Mission Alpharetta (CMA) and is seen as a family activity to learn, grow and volunteer. Your membership fee helps us to maintain and grow the organization.
CMA provides parents with an avenue to advance in our spiritual pursuits through Study Groups, Gita Classes, Bhajan/Chanting class, Jnana Yagnas (discourses), Service Projects etc.
Active participation in any of these activities – including the invaluable voluntary services performed in Bala Vihar – adds a new fragrance to our spiritual blossoming.
We look forward for your support and active participation in the parent groups!
Cancellation Policy:
2 weeks before classes start – nothing is held back.
Before classes start – New family Registration of $50 and existing family late fee of $50 is held back
If cancelling within 1 month of start of classes – additionally $25/child for BV; $25 for language class held back
If cancelling after 1 month of start of classes but before January – A fixed cancellation fee of $100 + $100/child; $25 for the language class is held back
Cancellation after 1st class in January – no refunds.
The goal of Chinmaya Gurukul is to instill good values and promote the knowledge of Sanatana Dharma, thereby laying the foundation for becoming a successful individual and a positive contributor to society.
In order to achieve this, we want to ensure a positive learning atmosphere for all kids in the Bala Vihar program. By registering and continuing with Bala Vihar classes, you and your family agree to adhere to the proper Code of Conduct and the Discipline Policy at Chinmaya Gurukul.
- Abide by the rules and regulations of Chinmaya Gurukul
- Follow and respect all instructions provided by any Chinmaya Gurukul activity, program or Bala Vihar facilitators, teachers or volunteers.
- Use language appropriate for a spiritual community in person and on online platforms/social media groups.
- Respect Others.
- Obey the Bala Vihar teacher and their instructions in the classroom.
- Listen.
- Respect the rights, privacy and property of others including, but not limited to, digital licenses and digital platforms.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Respect the property and digital platforms licensed by Chinmaya Gurukul or any other physical location where Chinmaya Gurukul activities, programs and camps may be held.
- Wear appropriate clothes for activities as suggested by Chinmaya Gurukul facilitators and teachers.
- Cell phone use for texting, playing games or for any purpose other than what is permitted by the teacher is not allowed in the classroom and assembly.
- All students are expected to have minimum 70% attendance. When unable to attend class, the parent/student should message/email the teacher informing of their absence and the reason for it. If the student is very irregular, the teacher will followup with the family regarding the same.
- Any action or inaction by the student that disrupts the classroom or prevents the teaching in the classroom is considered disruptive behavior.
- Class disruption, disorderly conduct, insubordinate or disrespectful behavior, and willful disobedience is prohibited.
- Biting, hitting, pushing, scratching, bullying ( in person or digital platform), inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact with other students or pulling is considered aggressive behavior.
- Engaging in Inappropriate, Disruptive and Aggressive behavior, as said behavior is defined by the Bala Vihar teacher, facilitator or volunteer, is prohibited.
- Engaging in threatening or taunting acts of physical, sexual or verbal abuse, either in-person or using any of the digital platforms, is strictly prohibited.
- Possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, mind-altering drugs or any illegal substance or paraphernalia during Chinmaya Gurukul sessions is prohibited.
- Possession or use of any type of real or facsimile weapons, including cyber-weapons, hazardous object, or explosive device is prohibited.
- Vulgar and profane language is prohibited.
In the event any action, inaction or behavior requires disciplining the child, the following steps are generally followed. The appropriate disciplinary step is based in context of the severity of the student violation of this policy.
- Verbal Warning: the teacher will make a first attempt to talk to your child, and explain the expected behavior and why the offensive behavior is not allowed.
- Remove and Set Apart: the teacher will remove the child from the rest of the class or have him or her sit in a different area of the classroom for a set amount of time or until the child is ready to participate cooperatively.
- Parent Conference: The parents will be required to meet with the teacher and are expected to talk to their child about proper behavior within the Bala Vihar class.
- Expulsion: Should none of the above resolve the offensive behavior issues with the child, the Bala Vihar administration reserves a right to terminate your child’s participation in the Bala Vihar program.
By continuing to attend the Bala Vihar program you and your family agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for Chinmaya Gurukul activities, programs, and Bala Vihar, and you understand that any violation of the same could result in you and your family being asked to withdraw from any activities, programs, or Bala Vihar without any refund. Chinmaya Gurukul reserves the right to modify this policy without any advance notice.