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Any amount of time that you can spare can be put to good use for this biggest event for Chinmaya Gurukul in 2024.  We have several options for you to choose from, and we will get back to you on the tasks you have selected.

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Task NameName
Task NameName
Event Publicity - Flyer distributions and Temples and other common places#1: Kishore B.
Publicizing Events using neighborhood WhatsApp Groups (Leads needed)#1:
Publicizing Events in online Indian portals (Leads needed)#1:
Putting posters around (based on your areas, in Indian restaurants, shopping places etc.#1:
Ashram cleaning, decoration and setup before program#1: Gayatri B.
#2: Vidya P.
#3: Sunanda G.
#4: Rani D.
#5: Rajaram (Raj) M.
#6: Madhuri G.
#7: Ananya G.
#8: Vijay G.
Help with Temple Inauguration Puja, Snacks#1: Rani A.
#2: Bindu Srinivas D.
#3: Subha R.
#4: Rani D.
#5: Shalmali D.
#6: Nivedita R.
Help with tasks during the program#1: Divya K.
#2: Ashwin A.
Help with Kids room activities during the talks#1: Subhashini S.
Help with cleanup after the talks#1: Nitin M.
#2: Venkat D.
#3: Madhuri M.